Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick Review

     I discovered Jeffree star 2 years ago through social media and fell in love with his YouTube channel. I then stumbled across his makeup collection which has grown extensively throughout the years I have known it.

Let me jump right into it, his liquid lipsticks are unlike most liquid lipsticks you find in the drug store or high end. These retail for £16 each and the formula is very unique and amazing. The are liquidy when you apply it making it easy to apply and then they dry matte and stays put all day if you clear away from oily foods. These are much different to say the Estée Lauder matte lipsticks as those are mousy and don’t stay put and also the sleek and maybelline liquid mates are also very mousy and don’t dry matte like Jeffree star. One important note on Jeffree Star’s liquid lipstick is that they are not drying if your lips aren’t dry to start off with. I have swatched the colours I have purchased and I will review then each as the formula is sometimes different from one colour to the next. Also the scent of these lipsticks are nice and the limited edition ones differ for example his summer ones smell like watermelon.

This is the first colour, posh spice. Let’s just start off with the names, they are unique and well placed for the colour. Posh spice is a grey nude colour, I wouldn’t recommend this colour to anyone who is darker than me as it will look like concealer so you can use it to mix in with other colours (I will mention later on what couloirs I mix it with). It aplies really well and not transparent or streaky. One coat is enough as it covers everything and is applied evenly. I don’t bother carrying this couloir around with me because this one just doesn’t budge. This is easily one of my favourite colours from Jeffree Stars collection and I would rate it 9/10.

This next colour is called celebrity skin, the perfect nude pink colour. This one is the perfect shade for an every day colour or to match it with a smokey eye, you can glam it up by mixing it with androgyny (I will mention in more detail when searching androgyny) and this one also applies really nicely and evenly. I would recommend this colour to everyone as its one of those colours that you need in your makeup collection a versatile colour. I would rate this a 10/10.

This next colour called virginity is part of Jeffree stars limited edition summer collection and let me start off by saying it doesn’t look like his picture of this colour. It is meant to be lilac but when applied onto the lips it’s a very bright white pink with lilac undertones which still suits me however this colour is very different and the allocation and formula is also very different. I am going to start off by saying it’s very streaky when applied at first it a second coat fixes that however if you make the second coat too thick it becomes sticky and never really dries down properly so keep that in mind. Also this needs a pipkin we preferably one that is slightly darker as this colour blends with your skin colour making your lips look much smaller. I would recommend this colour to people who like experimenting or are very pale or really dark. I rate this colour 5/10. 


This next colour is called androgyny, it’s a purple pinky colour. This swatch is completely different to how it looks on my lips. This colour is much more purple and darker when applied to my lips which is also very pretty but I would’ve preferred it to look like the swatch. This colour apllies evenly and nicely and with this one because it’s dark you need to carry this colour with you as when you at the inside starts to fade. I would mix celebrity skin with androgyny to make it a lighter pink purple much like the swatch so if you like the swatch then mix it with celebrity skin or posh spice. One thing I am impressed with Jeffree star is that  they don’t crack they fade from the inside giving an ombré look which is really nice incomparison to Kylie Jenner.  I rate this a 7/10 only because it doesn’t look like the colour when swatched.

This next Colour is called watermelon soda and is part of his limited edition summer collection. This is a bright pink with red undertones and is a perfect summer shade. This colour is however quotes sheer when you apply is so you need to apply one coat and wait for that one to dry then apply your second for the best results. It applies uneven but a second layer fixes that and this colour is really pretty and would suite everyone. I rate this colour a 7/10.

 This colour is called jawbreaker. Can we just appreciate the name of this lipstick and the colour payoff. This is a very unique colour and it’s very pretty it also makes your teeth whiter. However this needs two layers for it to be full coverage as it goes on a bit streaky so apply the first layer then wait for it to dry and apply your second layer. I also feel like if you don’t stretch your lips to apply it there will be cracks where you skin is showing so smile when you apply this product. Overall this colour is amazing and I can’t wait to wear it at a festival or Halloween. This will be amazing on all skin colours and it sure will grasp people’s attention. I would rate this product a 8/10.

This next colour is called dominatrix and it’s extremely pigmented. This colour is a dark brown almost black when applied to the lips therefore I mix posh spice with it to make it a little bit lighter so more like the swatch. I would be careful when apllying this colour because it’s difficult to remove. This colour will suite all skin types. This one is a little less watery when applying it and you need to reapplying after eating because it starts to remove from the inside. I would rate this product a 9/10.

This final colour my favourite, unicorn blood. This is a rush dark red with no purple undertones (thank god). This is the best shade that Jeffree star has created and it took me 2 months to get my hands on and it was worth it. This is the perfect dark red for all occasions and this colour suits all skin colours and I would recommend this to everyone also the formula for this one is amazing it applies evenly and verypigmented on the first swipe. I rate this one a 10/10. 

Overall Jeffree stars colours are very unique and worth it. The products are hard to get as they are almost always out of stock. For those who live in the UK buy them off of free delivery and no need to pay custom fees.

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