Man in the Mushroom Mask-Review


Let me start by saying that this product just smells amazing which is always a plus, personally I think it smells like chocolate but not rich chocolate. Anyway as I have acne prone skin that is oily and dry at the same time (basically I am not blessed with good skin) so I am always on the pursue to find those can’t live without products that don’t cost a fortune. This was one of them. This product is also exclusive to Oxford street lush as far as I am aware.

I use a lot of products at the same time and my skin lately has been looking great, but I never know what in my beauty regime is doing the magic and once I ran out of the man in the mushroom (love the name) my face just wasn’t the same and I felt the difference within days of me no longer using it. This product made my skin feel so soft once I rinsed it off after having it on for 10 mins and the redness in my face which I get around spots, places of irritation or because my face is just red all the time for no apparent reason, this seemed to be the best solution as my redness was minimal after using it. It contains African honey, jojoba oil, oyster mushrooms and avocado help to soften, hydrate and condition the skin, whilst turmeric powder brightens the complexion of your skin. This mask is so refreshing once you put it on your face because its so cold (most masks from lush must be stored in a fridge).

After I ran out I went to purchase more and the were out and instead gave me the sample version and this happened 4 times which just highlights how popular this face mask is, I still haven’t been able to repurchase but I have been receiving a lot of free samples because of this (don’t get me wrong I am not complaining anything that says free I am all for it). This product deserves a 5/5 because it does exactly what it says it does and I love it you won’t regret purchasing this product, and its also the same price as all lush’s fresh face masks, £6.95 and it’s also non vegan in case anyone was wondering.

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